Meet Abigail Dean

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My interest in art began at the same time as my passion for horses. At the age of six, I aspired to horse ownership but my parents consistently said no. I drew horses of all shapes, sizes and colors; cut them out and taped them to my bedroom wall. I had a herd of 50 at one point. When i was eight years old, my mother shipped me off to sleep away camp for two weeks. When I returned my room was rearranged, repainted and my herd was gone. The trauma of losing 50 horses at once was too much and I didn’t do anything artistic again until college. I majored in visual communications with emphasis in photography at Rutgers University. I did a bit of drawing and painting but nothing significant. Over the years I’ve pursued several careers and retired recently from nursing. Six months ago, I began putting my heart into painting and discovered a new passion. A passion that I plan to evolve and grow as I paint. I paint any topic that appeals to me especially animals. I love boldness and color. I work in acrylics for now but plan to use oils and water color. So dear art enthusiast, consider me new to the art world. I hope you enjoy my work!